



FF上 Landray Depth Charge殿的Hate to Love,配對是Blackout/Barricade,目前更新到第三章(其實已經是10月的事了OTL)。

“Then get off,” Barricade grunted, feeling those wide digits in the crux of his limbs, digging, searching.. “And leave me be.”

“Aww,” Blackout pouted maliciously, making a trilling noise of disapproval which slowly turned into a purr. “That’s no fun.”

“It didn’t occur to you that we had plenty of fun three cycles ago?”

Blackout lowered his upper body, holding his weight on one elbow. With his face only feet above Barricades, he hissed just softly, “I can never get enough of you.”

But the Saleen only smirked, despite the blooms of pleasure erupting from his companion’s touches. “Well, now isn’t that just convenient? If I was Bonecrusher or Devastator or Starscream, you’d not be able to get enough of them either.” He shifted minutely. “You’re addicted to pleasure and I’m your fix. Get off of it and leave me be, Blackout.”

The MH-53 Pave Low studied his lover, watching as Barricade’s body relaxed with a shudder when his fingers ceased their rubbing. “Negative,” the deep bass voice rumbled. “You are my addiction.”

(節錄自Hate to Love Chapter 1)

第二章的內容是運輸直昇機怎麼從海底爬上來,第三章則是解釋Cade沒有出席Mission City的原因(不過不管你再怎麼解釋,Cade,我已經認定你沒出現是因為下錯交流道了)…還有吃乾抹淨again。而且這次畫面好像更刺激↓

The MH-53 smirked at the offended and disappointed trill his lover let off and decided not to goad the interceptor. Without further hesitation, he forced Barricade’s thighs apart and lurched forward, pressing his face between, a shiver running through his frame as he attacked those sensors and was properly rewarded. Barricade threw his head back and squealed in mechanical appreciation as his sensory grid spiked at the assault; pleasure swiftly mounted, reducing the muscle car into a twisting, writhing mass of moaning armor and claws that reached out to grasp Blackout’s helm.

And out in the desert, so far from anything, no one could hear them scream.

(節錄自Hate to Love Chapter 3: Escalation)

"he forced Barricade’s thighs apart and lurched forward, pressing his face between"那一段讓我驚很大,這個姿勢太刺激了媽媽啊!!!(掩面走)

還有你們不要以為在位於沙漠的廢棄教堂裡就沒人看到聽到,某種思想前衛的雌性碳基(我們管這叫腐女)是無所不在的= =+

關於這個作者的另一篇Blackout/Barricade的強拆文Forbidden,大概就是Black二話不說開拆然後Cade對於自己口嫌體正直的矛盾心態感到憤怒最後乾脆屈服了:『I’m yours.』。寫導讀的大人說到有人給這篇配了圖,然後我在作者的Home Page找著了它。委實相當有衝擊力,衝擊…的點,就是Blackout那隻左手的位置,它確實也帶給我不小的震撼OTL→(開不出來請多試幾次)






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